Jerome R.
The Rima shirts are my "go to" for any occasion. They are light and comfortable without feeling overdressed.
David L.
Been wearing these shirts over the years and enjoy them ease of care and packability without wrinkling is fantastic. I have 10 of them now.
Robert A.
More size fit information would be helpful. The shirts were a birthday gift to me, very fine but too large. I needed size large. I decided to gift them, rather than ship them back. I hope to enjoy a shirt next birthday. Thanks
Carlos D.
I gave one to my high school teacher,he loved it,plan to give him another,on my next order soon.
David S.
amazing shirts, no ironing, godsend to a geriatric bachelor !
Rinice P.
People stop and ask where we get our shirts every time we wear them. I have you bookmarked on the smart phone so I can show folks how they too can rock rima@
Mike O.
Address was mislabeled on the UPS waybill, the city I am in was added to the street causing some confusion but nothing serious. I own a lot of your shirts and really like them, good quality and price